Beware: Unmasking the Fake 7 Days Loan App List for 2023

What Is 7 days loan app list
7 days loan app list are convenient mobile applications designed to offer quick and short-term financial assistance. They cater to individuals seeking short-duration loans, providing a hassle-free borrowing experience through an online application process, eliminating the need for cumbersome paperwork. These apps simply require you to furnish your personal and financial details, and once your application is approved, the loan amount is swiftly transferred directly into your bank account.
However, it’s important to exercise caution, as of 2023, a concerning trend has emerged. Approximately 80% of the 7 days loan app list listed in 2023 are counterfeit and lack the approval of the Reserve Bank of India. These deceptive apps may pose as legitimate loan providers but often engage in deceitful practices, and some even resort to outright scams that can harm unsuspecting borrowers. Therefore, it’s crucial to thoroughly research and verify the authenticity of these apps before engaging with them.
7 Days Loan Apps List
1 | Agile Loan app | 258 | Easy credit |
2 | Aladdin Lamp | 259 | Easy Credit Loan App |
3 | Angel Loan | 260 | Easy loan |
4 | Apna Paisa | 261 | EasyCash Loan |
5 | Apple cash | 262 | Easy Rp |
6 | Ariaeko Lone | 263 | Elephant Cash |
7 | Asan Loan | 264 | Es Loan |
9 | Balance lone | 266 | Express loan |
10 | Basket loan | 267 | Express Loan |
11 | Bellono Loan | 268 | Fash rupee |
12 | Bellono Loan App | 269 | Fast cash |
13 | Best Paisa | 270 | Fast coin |
14 | Betwinner betting | 271 | Fast Paisa |
15 | Bharat Cash | 272 | Fast cash |
16 | Bright Cash | 273 | Fast rupee Loan App |
17 | Bright money | 274 | Fast Rupee |
18 | Buddy Loan | 275 | Fexli Loan |
19 | Bus rupee | 276 | First Cash |
20 | Bharat Cash App | 277 | Flash Loan App |
21 | Clear Loan | 278 | Flash Loan Mobile |
22 | Cash Advance | 279 | Flash rupee |
23 | Cash Advance | 280 | Flip cash |
24 | Cash Advance Atach | 281 | For Pay |
25 | Cash Advance T1 | 282 | Forpay app |
26 | Cash advance | 283 | Fortress Loan App |
27 | Cash Book | 284 | fortune now |
28 | cash bowl | 285 | fresh loan |
29 | Cash Carry App | 286 | Fri Loan |
30 | Cash Cola | 287 | Funny happen |
31 | Cash colla | 288 | Get Cash |
32 | Cash cow App | 289 | Gold Cash |
33 | Cash Cow | 290 | Gold loan app |
34 | Cash Credit | 291 | Gold Sea |
35 | Cash curry | 292 | Goldcash |
36 | Cash fish | 293 | Goldman Payback |
37 | Cash go | 294 | guru loan app |
38 | Cash Guru App | 295 | Hand Cash |
39 | Cash magic | 296 | Hand Cash Friendly Loan |
40 | Cash Hole | 297 | Handey Loan |
41 | Cash host Loan App | 298 | Handy loan |
42 | Cash Host | 299 | Hello Box |
43 | cash machine | 300 | Hello Rupee |
44 | Cash Machine Loan | 301 | Hi Credit App |
45 | Cash magic | 302 | Holiday Mobile Loan |
46 | Cash manager | 303 | Honey Loan |
47 | Cash Manager | 304 | Honey Loan App |
48 | Cash Mine | 305 | Holiday Mobile |
49 | Cash Papa | 306 | Hoo Cash |
50 | Cash Park Loan App | 307 | Hu cash |
51 | Cash park | 308 | I Credit |
52 | Cash Park Loan | 309 | I karza |
53 | Cash Pocket | 310 | Income loan |
54 | cash pocket live Cash | 311 | Income OK |
55 | Cash Samosa | 312 | IND loan |
56 | cash star miniso rupee | 313 | India AI Credit Cash Loan |
57 | Cash Station | 314 | Infinity Cash |
58 | Cashcarry Loan App | 315 | Insta Loan |
59 | Cashcom | 316 | Insta money |
60 | cashpal | 317 | Jo Cash |
61 | Clear Loan | 318 | Just paise Loan App |
62 | Coin Rupee | 319 | Just money |
63 | Crazy Cash | 320 | Kash loan |
64 | Credit buzz | 321 | Koko cash |
65 | Credit Loan | 322 | Koko Loan |
66 | Crystal Loan | 323 | koko loan |
67 | Credit Pearl | 324 | Lend Mall |
68 | credit wallet | 325 | Link Money |
69 | Crystal Loan | 326 | Live Cash Loan App |
70 | Daily Loan | 327 | Live Cash |
71 | Dhan Pal | 328 | Loan Cube |
72 | Discover Loan App | 329 | loan cube |
73 | Dream loan | 330 | Loan dream Ap[ |
74 | DuttaRuppes | 331 | Loan Dream |
75 | E Paisa | 332 | Loan fortune |
76 | Eagle cash loan App | 333 | Loan Fortune |
77 | Early Credit App | 334 | Loan Home Small |
78 | Easy Barrow Loan App | 335 | loan loji |
79 | Easy Borrow Cash loan | 336 | Loan Resource(disi) |
80 | Easy brave | 337 | Loan Sathi |
81 | Loanzone | 338 | Rupeek buzz |
82 | Lucky Loan App | 339 | Rupeek cash |
83 | Lucky Wallet | 340 | Rupeek fenta |
84 | M pocket | 341 | Rupeeking |
85 | MagicCash Loan App | 342 | Rupeeok |
86 | Magic Money | 343 | Rupeeplus |
87 | Magicc Loan | 344 | Rupeeredee Loan App |
88 | Mama Loan | 345 | Rupeestar |
89 | Magicc Loan App | 346 | Rupiya bus |
90 | Marvel cash | 347 | Rupiya company |
91 | Marwel Loan Baba | 348 | Rush Loan |
92 | Matero Finance | 349 | Samay Rupee |
93 | May Loan | 350 | Sharp corn |
94 | Mi Rupe | 351 | Sharp Loan |
95 | Minute Loan App | 352 | Simple Loan App |
96 | Minute cash | 353 | Shuttle Loan |
97 | Minutes In Cash | 354 | Silver Pocket |
98 | Mo Cash | 355 | Simple Loan |
99 | Mobikquick | 356 | Sky Loan |
100 | Mobile cash | 357 | Slice pay |
101 | Monday money app | 358 | Small Loan |
102 | Money box | 359 | Small Cash Loan App |
103 | Money Ladder | 360 | SmalLoan App |
104 | Money lander | 361 | Smart Coin |
105 | Money Master | 362 | star loan |
106 | Money Master App | 363 | Store Loan |
107 | Money muthual | 364 | Sun cash |
108 | Money pocket | 365 | SUN CASH |
109 | money stand pro | 366 | Sunny loan |
110 | Money standup | 367 | Time loan |
111 | Money tree | 368 | Top Cash |
112 | money stand pro App | 369 | tree lone |
113 | Money View App | 370 | Tyto Cash |
114 | Monney Tank | 371 | Unit Cash |
115 | More cash | 372 | UPA Loan |
116 | More Cash App | 373 | UPO Loancom |
117 | More Loan | 374 | Voice loan |
118 | My Cash Loan | 375 | Volcano Loan |
119 | My Kredit | 376 | Wallaby App |
120 | Name of app | 377 | Wallet Payee |
121 | Ob cash loan | 378 | Apna Paisa |
122 | ob cash loan App | 379 | Walletpro |
123 | Ok Rupee Loan App | 380 | Warn Rupee |
124 | One Loan Cash Any Time | 381 | Wen Credit |
125 | One loan easy loan | 382 | Wow Rupee |
126 | onstream | 383 | Yes Cash |
127 | Orange Loan | 384 | Yes Rupees |
128 | Orange Loan | 385 | Zo zo Cash |
129 | Paisawala | 386 | Cash port |
130 | Personal Loan App | 387 | Alp cash |
131 | Phone pay | 388 | Angel Loan |
132 | Pillai Loan | 389 | Apna Paisa |
133 | Plump Wallet | 390 | Asana Loan |
134 | pocket bank | 391 | Cash Curry |
135 | Pokemoney | 392 | Cash era |
136 | PradhanmantriYojna Loan | 393 | Cash lion |
137 | Pub cash | 394 | Cash Star Miniso Rupee |
138 | Quality cash | 395 | Cashon |
139 | Quality Cash Loan App | 396 | Coco cash |
140 | Quick Loan App | 397 | Credit finch |
141 | Rapid | 398 | Dhani |
142 | Rainbow Loan | 399 | Early Credit App |
143 | Rapid Paisa | 400 | Elephant loan |
144 | Reliable Rupee Cash | 401 | Eye Credit |
145 | rich cash | 402 | Fast Paisa |
146 | Rich Loan Go | 403 | Fast Rupee |
147 | Rocket Loan | 404 | First Cash |
148 | Royal able rupee cash | 405 | Flash Loan Mobile |
149 | Royal cash | 406 | Go cash |
150 | Rupee Box | 407 | Hand Cash |
151 | Rupee Loan | 408 | Ind Loan |
152 | Rupee Cash Loan | 409 | Insta Loan |
153 | Rupee Magic | 410 | Insta Money |
154 | Rupee mall | 411 | Lend Mall |
155 | Rupee Online | 412 | Live Cash |
156 | Rupee Papa | 413 | Loan Resource (DIC) |
157 | Rupee pocket | 414 | Loan tap |
158 | Rupee salam | 415 | Loan zone |
159 | Rupee smart | 416 | Loanzone |
160 | Rupee Star | 417 | Micredit |
161 | My Cash Loan | 418 | Cash Cola |
162 | Onstream | 419 | Cash Carry Loan App |
163 | Plump Wallet | 420 | Cash App |
164 | Quick cash | 421 | Cash Cola |
165 | Rich Cash | 422 | Cash colla Loan |
166 | Rupee Magic | 423 | Cash cow |
167 | Rupee pus | 424 | Cash Guru App |
168 | RupeePlus | 425 | Cash Credit |
169 | Rupees plus | 426 | Cash curry |
170 | Samay Rupee | 427 | Cash fish |
171 | Small Loan | 428 | Cash go |
172 | Smile loan | 429 | CashCow Loan App |
173 | Star Loan | 430 | Cash Cow |
174 | Tap credit | 431 | Cash Guru App |
175 | Wow Rupee | 432 | Cash Hole |
176 | 66 cash | 433 | Cash Hole Loan |
177 | 66 Cash App | 434 | Cash host |
178 | Agile Loan app | 435 | Cash Host Application |
179 | Agile Cash App | 436 | Cash Light |
180 | Aladdin Lamp | 437 | cash machine |
181 | Angel Loan | 438 | Bharat Cash |
182 | Ant cash | 439 | Coin Rupee |
183 | Apna Paisa Cash | 440 | Cash Machine Loan |
184 | Apna Paisa | 441 | Cash Machine |
185 | Apple cash | 442 | Cash magic |
186 | Arak Loan | 443 | Cash Papa |
187 | Ariaeko Lone | 444 | Cash Manager |
188 | Asan Credit | 445 | Cash park |
189 | Asan Loan | 446 | Cash Mine |
190 | Asan Loan App | 447 | Cash Papa |
191 | Asan Loan | 448 | Cash manager |
192 | ATD Loan | 449 | Cash Park |
193 | ATD lone App | 450 | Cash Mine |
194 | Balance Loan | 451 | Cash Park Loan App |
195 | Balance lone | 452 | Cash Park Loan |
196 | Basket loan | 453 | CashPark Loan App |
197 | Bellono Loan | 454 | Cash Pocket Live Cash |
198 | Bellono Loan App | 455 | Cash Pocket |
199 | Bellono App | 456 | Cash pocket |
200 | Beloan App | 457 | Cash Pocket Loan App |
201 | Belono Loan | 458 | cash pocket App |
202 | Best Paisa | 459 | Cash Pocket Live Cash |
203 | Best Paisa Loan App | 460 | Cash room |
204 | Betwinner betting | 461 | Cash Samosa |
205 | BetWinner LOan | 462 | cash star miniso rupee |
206 | Bharat Cash | 463 | Cash Station |
207 | Cash Machine Loan | 464 | Cash today |
208 | Bharat Cash | 465 | CashcarryApp |
209 | Bright Cash | 466 | CashCarry Loan App |
210 | Bright money | 467 | Cashcom |
211 | Bud Loan | 468 | cashpal |
212 | Buddy Loan | 469 | Clear Loan App |
213 | Bus rupee | 470 | Chhota Loan |
214 | Bus Rupee | 471 | Cashpal |
215 | cash | 472 | Clear Loan |
216 | Cash Advance | 473 | Coco Loan |
217 | Cash Loan App | 474 | Cashcom App |
218 | Cash Advance Loan App | 475 | Cash Machine Loan |
219 | Cash Advance Atach | 476 | Income Value |
220 | Cash Advance T1 | 477 | Joe Cash |
221 | Cash advance | 478 | Loan Saathi |
222 | Cash Advance App | 479 | Tree Loan |
223 | Cash Book Loan Application | 480 | Money Master |
224 | Cash Book | 481 | Silver Pocket |
225 | Cash Personal loan App | 482 | Loan Home Small |
226 | cash bowl | 483 | Who Cash |
227 | Cash Bowl Loan App | 484 | Forpay app |
228 | Cash Carry Loan Application | 485 | Rainbow Loan |
229 | Cash Carry App | 486 | Brightmoney |
230 | Cash Cash App | 487 | Cashmagic |
231 | guruloanapp | 488 | Cashhost |
232 | Paisawala | 489 | Goldcash |
233 | Easybrave | 490 | Mobilecash |
234 | Moneystandup | 491 | Easycredit |
235 | Goldloanapp | 492 | Moneytree |
236 | Cashgo | 493 | Loanfortune |
237 | Funnyhappen | 494 | Rupeesmart |
238 | Moneytree | 495 | Flashrupee |
239 | Loanfortune | 496 | ZozoCash |
240 | Rupeesmart | 497 | CashPark |
241 | Flashrupee | 498 | LiveCash |
242 | ZozoCash | 499 | Cashmagic |
243 | CashPark | 500 | Suncash |
244 | LiveCash | 501 | Incomeloan |
245 | Suncash | 502 | UnitCash |
246 | Incomeloan | 503 | BrightCash |
247 | UnitCash | 504 | Magicmoney |
248 | Moneylander | 505 | Sunnyloan |
249 | Brightmoney | 506 | Royalcash |
250 | Easybrave | 507 | Sharpcorn |
251 | Moneystandup | 508 | Marvelcash |
252 | Goldloanapp | 509 | Mobikquick |
253 | Cashgo | 510 | Cashfish |
254 | Funnyhappen | 511 | Paisawala |
255 | IndiaAICreditCashLoan | 512 | Voiceloan |
256 | StoreLoan | 513 | guruloanapp |
257 | MateroFinance | 514 | Rupeekbuzz |
Finding The 7 days loan app list :-
When considering applying for a loan through a 7 days loan app list or a similar service, it’s essential to keep these key points in mind for a safe borrowing experience:
- Verify Legitimacy: Ensure that the app and the company behind it are legitimate and trustworthy. Look for registration with the Reserve Bank or authorization as a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC). Failure to find these credentials could be a red flag indicating a fraudulent app.
- Read Terms and Conditions: Always take the time to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the loan. If any aspect of the loan app’s terms is unclear or missing, exercise caution. Lack of transparent terms might suggest that the app is not genuine.
- Interest Rates: Before proceeding, check the interest rates associated with the loan. Some apps may impose exorbitant interest rates, making the loan much more expensive than it initially appears.
- Hidden Fees: Be vigilant for any concealed fees or additional charges that might be linked to the loan. It’s essential to inquire about all potential costs upfront.
- Repayment Terms: Understand the loan repayment schedule, including when and how you are expected to repay the borrowed amount. Missing payments can lead to complications, so clarity on this aspect is crucial.
- Privacy Policy: Examine the app’s privacy policy to ensure that your personal information will not be misused. Protecting your data is vital, and a reputable app should have a clear policy in place.
- User Reviews: Seek out reviews from other users who have utilized the same loan app you’re considering. Learning about the experiences of others can provide valuable insights into the app’s reliability and service quality.
- Contact Information: Verify that the app provides accurate and accessible contact information, such as phone numbers and email addresses. The absence of this information or difficulty reaching customer support can be a warning sign of a potentially fake app.
By adhering to these guidelines, you can make a more informed decision when choosing a loan app and reduce the risk of falling victim to fraudulent or unscrupulous lending practices.
Is 7 days loan app real or fake?
It’s important to recognize that a majority of 7 days loan app list are fake, making it crucial to find between fake and legitimate options. To differentiate between the two, pay close attention to the factors mentioned above. When considering a loan from any app, always take the following steps:
- Check Regulatory Approval: Verify whether the loan app is officially approved by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or registered as a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC). Authentic apps typically have these certifications.
- Conduct Due Diligence: Before applying for a loan through any app, conduct a brief investigation. Ensure that you are dealing with a reputable and trustworthy service provider.
By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to a fake loan app and make a more informed decision when seeking short-term financial assistance.