Fake loan App List

Fake loan app list – In recent years, the popularity of online lending for personal loans has soared in India. It has emerged as a convenient and accessible option for individuals seeking quick financial assistance. However, as the demand for these services has grown, so too has the number of loan apps, including a sinister breed – fake loan apps, cunningly disguised as legitimate lending platforms. These apps often masquerade under the moniker of “7 days loan app,” but their real business is deceit.
The Temptation of Instant Loans
Fake loan app list make enticing promises of instant personal loans with no tedious paperwork or extensive verification processes. The allure of swift access to much-needed funds often blinds people to the risks involved. Without due diligence and proper verification, unsuspecting individuals eagerly embrace these apps, inadvertently opening the door to a host of troubles in their financial lives.
Identifying the Culprits
This article aims to shed light on the deceptive world of Fake loan app list in India. It provides an updated Fake Loan App List for the year 2023, enabling readers to distinguish between genuine and fraudulent loan apps before making the crucial decision to apply for a loan.
What Exactly Are Fake Loan Apps?
Fake loan apps are fraudulent mobile applications that cunningly impersonate legitimate loan providers. Their primary objective is to exploit unsuspecting users by stealing their personal and financial information. These apps may also employ tactics such as tricking users into paying upfront fees for loans that are never actually disbursed.
As you navigate the perilous landscape of online lending, it’s essential to arm yourself with knowledge and vigilance to safeguard your financial well-being.
Click here for the best loan apps in india
How Do Fake Loan Apps Operate?
These fraudulent lending apps employ various tactics to lure users into downloading them:
- Requesting Personal and Financial Information: Under the pretense of a loan application process, these apps ask for sensitive data such as bank account or credit card numbers. They then exploit this information for unauthorized transactions or identity theft.
- Demanding Advance Payments: Fake apps often claim processing or guarantee fees while promising loan disbursement. However, once the payment is made, they disappear or become inaccessible.
- Chameleon-Like Behavior: To evade detection, these apps frequently change their names, domains, and appearance.
For those seeking more information on loan resource apps and their benefits, as well as a comparison of options and how to apply, we suggest reading our comprehensive guide.
The RBI’s Vigilance
The proliferation of fake digital lending apps, which swindle unsuspecting customers of their hard-earned money, is a pressing concern in India. To combat this issue, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is diligently curating a “Whitelist” of applications eligible for advertising on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
Exercise Caution
Users often trust these fraudulent apps simply because they are listed on reputable platforms like Google and Apple’s app stores. Consequently, their bank and Know Your Customer (KYC) information is shared, leading to automatic fund deductions or psychological coercion through extortion. Vigilance is paramount when dealing with such apps. Be cautious.
This is the Fake loan apps available in Play Store
Fake loan app list
1 | Agile Loan app | 258 | Easy credit |
2 | Aladdin Lamp | 259 | Easy Credit Loan App |
3 | Angel Loan | 260 | Easy loan |
4 | Apna Paisa | 261 | EasyCash Loan |
5 | Apple cash | 262 | Easy Rp |
6 | Ariaeko Lone | 263 | Elephant Cash |
7 | Asan Loan | 264 | Es Loan |
9 | Balance lone | 266 | Express loan |
10 | Basket loan | 267 | Express Loan |
11 | Bellono Loan | 268 | Fash rupee |
12 | Bellono Loan App | 269 | Fast cash |
13 | Best Paisa | 270 | Fast coin |
14 | Betwinner betting | 271 | Fast Paisa |
15 | Bharat Cash | 272 | Fast cash |
16 | Bright Cash | 273 | Fast rupee Loan App |
17 | Bright money | 274 | Fast Rupee |
18 | Buddy Loan | 275 | Fexli Loan |
19 | Bus rupee | 276 | First Cash |
20 | Bharat Cash App | 277 | Flash Loan App |
21 | Clear Loan | 278 | Flash Loan Mobile |
22 | Cash Advance | 279 | Flash rupee |
23 | Cash Advance | 280 | Flip cash |
24 | Cash Advance Atach | 281 | For Pay |
25 | Cash Advance T1 | 282 | Forpay app |
26 | Cash advance | 283 | Fortress Loan App |
27 | Cash Book | 284 | fortune now |
28 | cash bowl | 285 | fresh loan |
29 | Cash Carry App | 286 | Fri Loan |
30 | Cash Cola | 287 | Funny happen |
31 | Cash colla | 288 | Get Cash |
32 | Cash cow App | 289 | Gold Cash |
33 | Cash Cow | 290 | Gold loan app |
34 | Cash Credit | 291 | Gold Sea |
35 | Cash curry | 292 | Goldcash |
36 | Cash fish | 293 | Goldman Payback |
37 | Cash go | 294 | guru loan app |
38 | Cash Guru App | 295 | Hand Cash |
39 | Cash magic | 296 | Hand Cash Friendly Loan |
40 | Cash Hole | 297 | Handey Loan |
41 | Cash host Loan App | 298 | Handy loan |
42 | Cash Host | 299 | Hello Box |
43 | cash machine | 300 | Hello Rupee |
44 | Cash Machine Loan | 301 | Hi Credit App |
45 | Cash magic | 302 | Holiday Mobile Loan |
46 | Cash manager | 303 | Honey Loan |
47 | Cash Manager | 304 | Honey Loan App |
48 | Cash Mine | 305 | Holiday Mobile |
49 | Cash Papa | 306 | Hoo Cash |
50 | Cash Park Loan App | 307 | Hu cash |
51 | Cash park | 308 | I Credit |
52 | Cash Park Loan | 309 | I karza |
53 | Cash Pocket | 310 | Income loan |
54 | cash pocket live Cash | 311 | Income OK |
55 | Cash Samosa | 312 | IND loan |
56 | cash star miniso rupee | 313 | India AI Credit Cash Loan |
57 | Cash Station | 314 | Infinity Cash |
58 | Cashcarry Loan App | 315 | Insta Loan |
59 | Cashcom | 316 | Insta money |
60 | cashpal | 317 | Jo Cash |
61 | Clear Loan | 318 | Just paise Loan App |
62 | Coin Rupee | 319 | Just money |
63 | Crazy Cash | 320 | Kash loan |
64 | Credit buzz | 321 | Koko cash |
65 | Credit Loan | 322 | Koko Loan |
66 | Crystal Loan | 323 | koko loan |
67 | Credit Pearl | 324 | Lend Mall |
68 | credit wallet | 325 | Link Money |
69 | Crystal Loan | 326 | Live Cash Loan App |
70 | Daily Loan | 327 | Live Cash |
71 | Dhan Pal | 328 | Loan Cube |
72 | Discover Loan App | 329 | loan cube |
73 | Dream loan | 330 | Loan dream Ap[ |
74 | DuttaRuppes | 331 | Loan Dream |
75 | E Paisa | 332 | Loan fortune |
76 | Eagle cash loan App | 333 | Loan Fortune |
77 | Early Credit App | 334 | Loan Home Small |
78 | Easy Barrow Loan App | 335 | loan loji |
79 | Easy Borrow Cash loan | 336 | Loan Resource(disi) |
80 | Easy brave | 337 | Loan Sathi |
81 | Loanzone | 338 | Rupeek buzz |
82 | Lucky Loan App | 339 | Rupeek cash |
83 | Lucky Wallet | 340 | Rupeek fenta |
84 | M pocket | 341 | Rupeeking |
85 | MagicCash Loan App | 342 | Rupeeok |
86 | Magic Money | 343 | Rupeeplus |
87 | Magicc Loan | 344 | Rupeeredee Loan App |
88 | Mama Loan | 345 | Rupeestar |
89 | Magicc Loan App | 346 | Rupiya bus |
90 | Marvel cash | 347 | Rupiya company |
91 | Marwel Loan Baba | 348 | Rush Loan |
92 | Matero Finance | 349 | Samay Rupee |
93 | May Loan | 350 | Sharp corn |
94 | Mi Rupe | 351 | Sharp Loan |
95 | Minute Loan App | 352 | Simple Loan App |
96 | Minute cash | 353 | Shuttle Loan |
97 | Minutes In Cash | 354 | Silver Pocket |
98 | Mo Cash | 355 | Simple Loan |
99 | Mobikquick | 356 | Sky Loan |
100 | Mobile cash | 357 | Slice pay |
101 | Monday money app | 358 | Small Loan |
102 | Money box | 359 | Small Cash Loan App |
103 | Money Ladder | 360 | SmalLoan App |
104 | Money lander | 361 | Smart Coin |
105 | Money Master | 362 | star loan |
106 | Money Master App | 363 | Store Loan |
107 | Money muthual | 364 | Sun cash |
108 | Money pocket | 365 | SUN CASH |
109 | money stand pro | 366 | Sunny loan |
110 | Money standup | 367 | Time loan |
111 | Money tree | 368 | Top Cash |
112 | money stand pro App | 369 | tree lone |
113 | Money View App | 370 | Tyto Cash |
114 | Monney Tank | 371 | Unit Cash |
115 | More cash | 372 | UPA Loan |
116 | More Cash App | 373 | UPO Loancom |
117 | More Loan | 374 | Voice loan |
118 | My Cash Loan | 375 | Volcano Loan |
119 | My Kredit | 376 | Wallaby App |
120 | Name of app | 377 | Wallet Payee |
121 | Ob cash loan | 378 | Apna Paisa |
122 | ob cash loan App | 379 | Walletpro |
123 | Ok Rupee Loan App | 380 | Warn Rupee |
124 | One Loan Cash Any Time | 381 | Wen Credit |
125 | One loan easy loan | 382 | Wow Rupee |
126 | onstream | 383 | Yes Cash |
127 | Orange Loan | 384 | Yes Rupees |
128 | Orange Loan | 385 | Zo zo Cash |
129 | Paisawala | 386 | Cash port |
130 | Personal Loan App | 387 | Alp cash |
131 | Phone pay | 388 | Angel Loan |
132 | Pillai Loan | 389 | Apna Paisa |
133 | Plump Wallet | 390 | Asana Loan |
134 | pocket bank | 391 | Cash Curry |
135 | Pokemoney | 392 | Cash era |
136 | PradhanmantriYojna Loan | 393 | Cash lion |
137 | Pub cash | 394 | Cash Star Miniso Rupee |
138 | Quality cash | 395 | Cashon |
139 | Quality Cash Loan App | 396 | Coco cash |
140 | Quick Loan App | 397 | Credit finch |
141 | Rapid | 398 | Dhani |
142 | Rainbow Loan | 399 | Early Credit App |
143 | Rapid Paisa | 400 | Elephant loan |
144 | Reliable Rupee Cash | 401 | Eye Credit |
145 | rich cash | 402 | Fast Paisa |
146 | Rich Loan Go | 403 | Fast Rupee |
147 | Rocket Loan | 404 | First Cash |
148 | Royal able rupee cash | 405 | Flash Loan Mobile |
149 | Royal cash | 406 | Go cash |
150 | Rupee Box | 407 | Hand Cash |
151 | Rupee Loan | 408 | Ind Loan |
152 | Rupee Cash Loan | 409 | Insta Loan |
153 | Rupee Magic | 410 | Insta Money |
154 | Rupee mall | 411 | Lend Mall |
155 | Rupee Online | 412 | Live Cash |
156 | Rupee Papa | 413 | Loan Resource (DIC) |
157 | Rupee pocket | 414 | Loan tap |
158 | Rupee salam | 415 | Loan zone |
159 | Rupee smart | 416 | Loanzone |
160 | Rupee Star | 417 | Micredit |
161 | My Cash Loan | 418 | Cash Cola |
162 | Onstream | 419 | Cash Carry Loan App |
163 | Plump Wallet | 420 | Cash App |
164 | Quick cash | 421 | Cash Cola |
165 | Rich Cash | 422 | Cash colla Loan |
166 | Rupee Magic | 423 | Cash cow |
167 | Rupee pus | 424 | Cash Guru App |
168 | RupeePlus | 425 | Cash Credit |
169 | Rupees plus | 426 | Cash curry |
170 | Samay Rupee | 427 | Cash fish |
171 | Small Loan | 428 | Cash go |
172 | Smile loan | 429 | CashCow Loan App |
173 | Star Loan | 430 | Cash Cow |
174 | Tap credit | 431 | Cash Guru App |
175 | Wow Rupee | 432 | Cash Hole |
176 | 66 cash | 433 | Cash Hole Loan |
177 | 66 Cash App | 434 | Cash host |
178 | Agile Loan app | 435 | Cash Host Application |
179 | Agile Cash App | 436 | Cash Light |
180 | Aladdin Lamp | 437 | cash machine |
181 | Angel Loan | 438 | Bharat Cash |
182 | Ant cash | 439 | Coin Rupee |
183 | Apna Paisa Cash | 440 | Cash Machine Loan |
184 | Apna Paisa | 441 | Cash Machine |
185 | Apple cash | 442 | Cash magic |
186 | Arak Loan | 443 | Cash Papa |
187 | Ariaeko Lone | 444 | Cash Manager |
188 | Asan Credit | 445 | Cash park |
189 | Asan Loan | 446 | Cash Mine |
190 | Asan Loan App | 447 | Cash Papa |
191 | Asan Loan | 448 | Cash manager |
192 | ATD Loan | 449 | Cash Park |
193 | ATD lone App | 450 | Cash Mine |
194 | Balance Loan | 451 | Cash Park Loan App |
195 | Balance lone | 452 | Cash Park Loan |
196 | Basket loan | 453 | CashPark Loan App |
197 | Bellono Loan | 454 | Cash Pocket Live Cash |
198 | Bellono Loan App | 455 | Cash Pocket |
199 | Bellono App | 456 | Cash pocket |
200 | Beloan App | 457 | Cash Pocket Loan App |
201 | Belono Loan | 458 | cash pocket App |
202 | Best Paisa | 459 | Cash Pocket Live Cash |
203 | Best Paisa Loan App | 460 | Cash room |
204 | Betwinner betting | 461 | Cash Samosa |
205 | BetWinner LOan | 462 | cash star miniso rupee |
206 | Bharat Cash | 463 | Cash Station |
207 | Cash Machine Loan | 464 | Cash today |
208 | Bharat Cash | 465 | CashcarryApp |
209 | Bright Cash | 466 | CashCarry Loan App |
210 | Bright money | 467 | Cashcom |
211 | Bud Loan | 468 | cashpal |
212 | Buddy Loan | 469 | Clear Loan App |
213 | Bus rupee | 470 | Chhota Loan |
214 | Bus Rupee | 471 | Cashpal |
215 | cash | 472 | Clear Loan |
216 | Cash Advance | 473 | Coco Loan |
217 | Cash Loan App | 474 | Cashcom App |
218 | Cash Advance Loan App | 475 | Cash Machine Loan |
219 | Cash Advance Atach | 476 | Income Value |
220 | Cash Advance T1 | 477 | Joe Cash |
221 | Cash advance | 478 | Loan Saathi |
222 | Cash Advance App | 479 | Tree Loan |
223 | Cash Book Loan Application | 480 | Money Master |
224 | Cash Book | 481 | Silver Pocket |
225 | Cash Personal loan App | 482 | Loan Home Small |
226 | cash bowl | 483 | Who Cash |
227 | Cash Bowl Loan App | 484 | Forpay app |
228 | Cash Carry Loan Application | 485 | Rainbow Loan |
229 | Cash Carry App | 486 | Brightmoney |
230 | Cash Cash App | 487 | Cashmagic |
231 | guruloanapp | 488 | Cashhost |
232 | Paisawala | 489 | Goldcash |
233 | Easybrave | 490 | Mobilecash |
234 | Moneystandup | 491 | Easycredit |
235 | Goldloanapp | 492 | Moneytree |
236 | Cashgo | 493 | Loanfortune |
237 | Funnyhappen | 494 | Rupeesmart |
238 | Moneytree | 495 | Flashrupee |
239 | Loanfortune | 496 | ZozoCash |
240 | Rupeesmart | 497 | CashPark |
241 | Flashrupee | 498 | LiveCash |
242 | ZozoCash | 499 | Cashmagic |
243 | CashPark | 500 | Suncash |
244 | LiveCash | 501 | Incomeloan |
245 | Suncash | 502 | UnitCash |
246 | Incomeloan | 503 | BrightCash |
247 | UnitCash | 504 | Magicmoney |
248 | Moneylander | 505 | Sunnyloan |
249 | Brightmoney | 506 | Royalcash |
250 | Easybrave | 507 | Sharpcorn |
251 | Moneystandup | 508 | Marvelcash |
252 | Goldloanapp | 509 | Mobikquick |
253 | Cashgo | 510 | Cashfish |
254 | Funnyhappen | 511 | Paisawala |
255 | IndiaAICreditCashLoan | 512 | Voiceloan |
256 | StoreLoan | 513 | guruloanapp |
257 | MateroFinance | 514 | Rupeekbuzz |
In an era where digital solutions have made accessing loans more convenient than ever, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and informed. The surge in fake loan apps in India serves as a stark reminder that not all that glitters is gold in the world of online lending. By staying informed and cautious, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these fraudulent schemes.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How can I identify a fake loan app?
- Look for red flags such as excessive fees, unclear terms, and inconsistent contact information. Always verify the legitimacy of the lending institution.
- Are all online loan apps fraudulent?
- No, many legitimate online loan apps exist. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and read reviews before choosing one.
- What should I do if I’ve been scammed by a Fake loan app list?
- Immediately report the scam to the appropriate authorities and your bank or financial institution. Consider seeking legal advice.
- Is it safe to share personal information with online lenders?
- Only share your personal information with trusted and well-established lenders. Be cautious when dealing with unknown or suspicious apps.
- How can I protect myself from falling victim to Fake loan app list?
- Stay informed by regularly checking the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) updates on banned apps and exercising caution when dealing with unfamiliar lending platforms.
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